6 research outputs found

    Putting it in Writing: Examining the Link between Higher Education Institution Performance Rankings, Best Places to Work, and Emphasis on Human Resources in Mission Statements

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    This study examined at the content of vision statements, mission statements, and strategic plans for three groups of higher education institutions (HEIs). The focus of this analysis was to determine if an emphasis on the interests and welfare of employees was included in these statements. In addition, the Top 100 Best Colleges from the 2012 U.S. News & World Report rankings were compared to a random selection of HEIs. The results indicate that the externally ranked schools had a higher number of statements highlighting the welfare of their workforce in their strategic documents, thus affirming the importance of employees

    Ethnicity, Gender and Entrepreneurial Tendencies: The Singapore Perspective

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    Abstract Creativity and risk-taking, widely accepted prerequisites for successful entrepreneurial behavior, were absent for a long time from Singaporean culture, where people were accustomed to well paying and readily available jobs in the public sector. As a result of the economic slowdown of the late 1990s, promoting entrepreneurial activities became a priority of the Singapore government. This study analyzes the entrepreneurial characteristics of Singapore's multi-racial and multi-cultural society, and attempts to find if there are any reasons as to why some people are more readily willing to engage in entrepreneurial behavior, based on factors such as race, gender, and culture. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, culture, innovation, risk propensity, Singapor

    Effect of Culture and Traditions on Consumer Behavior in Kuwait

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    Globalization is one of the most contemporary challenges that are facing businesses. With the Internet and information technology, markets around the globe are moving closer, which necessitate the need of knowing these markets. Businesses need to understand the effect of culture in shaping consumer habits. This study explores the effect of culture and traditions on the consumer behavior in Kuwait – a member of (CCASG) countries. It studies consumer market segments existing among Kuwaitis consumers by using life-style patterns and ethnocentrism

    Are the Lebanese Firms Coping with the Global Pressure?

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    Almost all business activities in Lebanon take the form of family owned small business type. Lebanon took advanced steps on globalization issues and entered into open trading activities, which makes its firms subject to global competition. In developed nation, small businesses are facing these challenges by lowering their cost, improving quality and adopting sophisticated high technology. Logistic strategies are one way these firms are using to overcome these challenges. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use and the role of logistic strategies by small businesses in Lebanon. It will focus on the way these businesses are adopting with the global requirements. Results showed evidence that the Lebanese small businesses exhibited a little use logistic strategies, which put them on a competitive disadvantage in facing the global challenges